
Today’s thought for the Day comes from: (Al Qura’an) “S9:A71”, In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful! “And the believing men and the believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and establish prayer and give Zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger. Those, Allah will have mercy on them. Indeed, Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise. (Refer S9:A67, to understand the characteristics of the hypocrites). 

The difference lies in their morals, conducts, habits, attitudes and ways of thinking. On the one hand, the hypocrites whose tongues are never tired of professing faith in Islam, but who are void of sincere faith, and whose whole conduct belies their professions. They are, as it were, like bottles which have labels of “musk”, but contain cow-dung which may easily be recognized from its appearance and unpleasant odour. On the other hand are the true Believers, who are like those bottles which contain musk which may be tested in any way-by its appearance, its smell and other characteristics-to be musk. 

Likewise, though the outward label of Islam apparently makes both of them one community of Muslims, the real characteristics of the hypocritical Muslims are so different from those of the true Muslims that they have, in fact, become two different communities. 

The reward for the Believers men and women is that Allah SWT Will pour His Mercy on them. 

Act for the Day is: To be true believers and be allies to one another and practically dissociate from the hypocrites. Let’s take interest in what is good, and abhor what is evil; remember Allah day and night and let’s not think of life without the constant remembrance of AIIah; let’s be very generous in spending in the Way of AIlah, and obey Him and His Messenger without any mental reservations. JazakAllah Khair.


Today’s thought for the Day comes from: (Al Qura’an) “S9:A112”, In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful! “(Successful) are those who turn in repentense, those who worship, those who praise, those who go out (in the way of Allah), those who bow down, those who prostrate, those who enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong, and those who observe the limits of Allah. And give glad tidings to the believers.” 

“Those who turn back to Allah over and over again”, This is the first and foremost characteristic of a true Believer because even a true Believer is liable to forget the bargain he makes with Allah by which he sells his life and property to Him. (Refer S9:A111)

We are to rejoice that by giving up such small things as ourselves and our possessions we are to be rewarded with such a great thing as the eternal life of felicity. The truly righteous, whose lives in various aspects are described in this verse, do so rejoice. 

Act for the Day is: To understand that those who “strictly observe the limits prescribed by Allah”  in regard to the Articles of the Faith, worship-morality, social behaviour, culture, economics, politics, judiciary, peace and war- in short, in all the aspects of their individual and collective lives, they neither transgress these limits in order to follow their lusts nor invent laws nor replace the Divine Law by other laws. They establish these limits and prevent their violations. Hence, the true Believers are those who not only strictly observe the limits prescribed by Allah, but also do their very best to establish them and safeguard them so as to prevent their violation to the best of their powers and capabilities. 

This good news is to be proclaimed to all Believers, including the weakest among us, so that they may profit by that example. JazakAllah Khair.


Today’s thought for the Day comes from: (Al Qur’an) “S16:A9”, In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful! “And upon Allah is the direction of the way, and among them (some) are that do not go straight. And if He willed, surely He would have guided you all.” 

This contains an argument for Prophethood along with a proof of Tauhid and of Allah’s Compassion and Providence.

The argument is this: There are many divergent ways of thought and action open for man to choose from. Obviously all these divergent ways cannot be straight ways, because there can be only one straight way; therefore, there can be only one right theory of life which is based on that way, and only one right way of life which is based on that right theory . 

Thus it is clear that the choice of the right way of life is man’s most important and basic need, for its wrong choice would inevitably lead to his ruin. Here a question arises: “Why didn’t Allah will to guide all the people aright inherently when He had taken upon Himself to show the Right Way?” It is true that Allah could have imbued Man, like other creatures, with the inborn instinct and enabled him to choose the Right Way without conscious thought, experience or teaching. But this would have been against His will which was to create a being, having will and power and freedom to follow the Right Way or the wrong way, whichever he chose for himself. This is why he has been endowed with different means of knowledge and powers of conscious thought, deliberation and will, and has been empowered with the authority to make use of all powers in him and all things around him. 

Act for the Day is: To understand that He has placed in him and all around him such factors as might lead him to guidance or deviation. All these things would have become meaningless, had he been created righteous by birth, and he could never have attained the heights of progress, which can be achieved only by the right use of freedom. That is why Allah has chosen Prophethood for Man’s guidance, and left him free to follow or reject a Prophet. This is a test by means of which Allah judges whether Man accepts the guidance that is presented to him.  

Finally, it is important to understand that Allah could have forced all to the true Way, but in His Will and Plan is the training of man’s will, and that is done by the signs in nature and Revelation.  

So let’s try our best to READ both the books everyday, one – the open book, which is the Nature around us! And the closed book – Which is Al Qur’an, the revelation and find the right path for ourselves.  JazakAllah Khair.


Today’s thought for the Day comes from: (Al Qura’an) “S14:A48”, In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful! “On the Day when earth will be replaced by another earth, and the heavens (as well), and they will come forth before Allah, the One, the Irresistible”. 

It is obvious from this verse and some hints in the Qur’an (Please also Read S20:A105 to115) that on the occasion of Resurrection, at the blowing of the “First Trumpet”, the existing physical system shall be rearranged. After this, between the blowing of the “First” and the “Last Trumpet”, the present form and aspect of the earth and the heavens shall be transformed and a new physical system with new physical laws will come into existence. 

“That will be the world of the Hereafter.” When the “Last Trumpet” will be blown, all human beings from Adam to those born before the “First Trumpet”, shall be brought to life and appear before Allah. The Qur’an calls this (Hashr) which literally means “to muster and gather together”.

Act for the Day is: To clearly understand, that the life in the Hereafter will not merely be a spiritual life but the very physical and spiritual life which we are living now on this earth; and every individual shall receive his/her reward or punishment exactly in that “personality” in which he or she is living in the life of this world, (Please refer S39:A67 to 70 for details of the inevitable event). 

And, Try to Foresee the universality Of Allah’s Message, 

(As seen by Prophet Abraham A.S.) that leads to the sublime doctrine Of Oneness, which will be seen In its fulness on the Great Day When a new Earth and a new Heaven Will proclaim the end of Evil And the adjustment of all this life’s accounts. JazakAllah Khair.


Todays thought for the Day comes from: (Al Qur’an) “S70:A19-21”, In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful! “Indeed, man was created anxious”, “When evil touches him, he is distressed”, “And when good touches him, (he) withholds (it).” 

“Man has been created impatient”, It is man’s nature, or his natural weakness, to be impatient. 

Here, one should keep in view that at many places in the Qur’an, after making mention of mankind’s common moral weaknesses, those who believe and adopted righteousness have been made an exception; the same theme is being expressed in the following verses. 

This by itself explains the truth that these hereditary weaknesses are not unalterable; if man accepts the guidance sent down by God and tries to reform himself practically, he can remove them, and if he gives a free rope to his self these become ingrained in him deeply. (Please read S70:A22-35, for man’s nature & it’s consequences).

Act for the Day is: To understand that man, according to the plan of Allah, was to be in the best of moulds. (Refer S95:A4) But to fulfil his high destiny, he was given free will to a limited extent. Wrong use of this free-will makes his nature weak (refer S4:A28), or hasty (refer S17:A11), or impatient (as here above in this Ayah).

1. Let’s not complain or grumble and get into despair if and when in adversity.

2. Let’s not become arrogant and forget the other people’s rights and our own shortcomings, when in prosperity. JazakAllah Khair.


Today’s thought for the Day comes from: (Al Qura’an) “S58:A6”, In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful! “On the Day when Allah will raise them all and inform of what they did. Allah has recorded it, while they forgot it. And Allah is a witness over all things”. 

This phrase, “Allah will tell them the truth of their deeds (or their doings, or their conduct)” occurs frequently. See S5:A48 & 105; S6:A60; and S9:A94; etc.

In this life there is a certain mist or illusion in our spiritual sight. We see things from different angles and dispute about them; we hide real motives, and pretend to virtues we do not possess; others may attribute such virtues to us, and we may come to believe it ourselves; we conceive likes and hatreds on insufficient grounds; we forget what we should remember, and remember what we should forget. 

Our vision is narrow, and our values are false. On the Day of Account all this will be remedied. Not only true values be restored, but we shall ourselves see the inwardness of things in our own lives, which we never saw before. 

Act for the Day is: To understand that disobediency, in the sight of God it is no ordinary matter at all. With Him every misdeed of ours has been noted down, His Register contains a full record of every deed done by a person, when and where it was done, what was his own reaction to it, what were its consequences and how far and in what forms did they appear and spread in the world. 

Let’s be extremely conscious of the fact that we are “Continuously being Monitored for our Continuous Growth”. Every action of ours is being recorded and we will have to face it’s consequences and on that Day when Allah will raise us all up again will show us the truth of our conduct and we are answerable to our Creator – Allah SWT. JazakAllah Khair.


Today’s thought for the Day comes from: (Al Qura’an) “S2:A215”, In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful! “They ask you what they should spend. Say, “Whatever you spend of good is for parents, and the relatives, and the orphans, and the needy, and the wayfarer. And whatever good you do, indeed, Allah is All-Aware of it”.

Three questions arise in charity;

1. What shall we give?

2. To whom shall we give?

3. How shall we give?

The answer is: Give anything that is good, useful, helpful, valuable. It may be property or money, a helping hand, an advice, or a kind word. “Whatever we do that is good is charity”. 

On the other hand, if we giveaway what is useless, there is no charity in it. Or if we give something with a harmful intent, e.g,. a sword to a madman, or a drug or sweets or even money to someone whom you want to entrap or corrupt, it is not charity but a gift of dam nation. 

Act for the Day is: To understand the purpose of charity and to whom it should be given first. It may be tempting to earn the world’s praise by a gift that will be talked about, but are we meeting the needs of those who have the first right or claim on us? If we are not, then we are like a person who defrauds creditors; it is not charity then. 

Let’s remember that every gift is judge by its unselfish character; the degree of need or claim is a factor which we shall consider; if we disregard it, there is something selfish behind it. 

How should it be given? This shuts out all pretence, show, and insincerity, and Allah SWT is All-Aware of what we do. JazakAllah Khair.


Today’s thought for the Day comes from: (Al Qur’an) “S13:A11”, In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful! “For him (i.e., each one) are successive (Angles) before and  behind him, who guard him by the command of Allah. Indeed, Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change what is within themselves. And when Allah wills misfortune for a people, then there is no turning away of it. And they do not have any protector besides Him. (Please also read S13:A8 to A10)

“Every person, whether he conceals or reveals his thoughts, whether he skulls in darkness or goes about by day – all are under Allah’s watch and ward.”  

Allah is not intent on punishment. He created man virtuous and pure. He gave him intelligence and knowledge. He surrounded him with all sorts of instruments of His Grace and Mercy. 

If, in spite of all this, man distort his own will and go against Allah’s will, Yet, Allah’s forgiveness is open to him if he will take it.  

Act for the Day is: To understand that, Allah’s Grace encompasses everyone, and again and again protects us, if only we seek the protection from harm and evil. 

If we fool ourselves and think that, we can secretly take some pleasure or profit, we are wrong, for the recording angels record all our thoughts and deeds too.  

It is only when we blind ourselves and change our own nature or soul away from the beautiful mould in which Allah SWT formed it, that Allah’s wrath will descend and the favourable position in which Allah has placed us will be changed. 

And When once the punishment comes, there is no turning it back. None of the things which we relied upon – other than Allah – can possibly protect us. JazakAllah Khair.


Todays thought for the Day comes from: (Al Qur’an) “S15:A20”, In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful! “And We have made for you therein means of living and for those (other creatures) for whom you are not providers”. 

Allah SWT is making it very clear that He is the One Who provides sustenance of every kind; Physical, Mental, Spiritual, etc. for mankind. Allah further confirms that He also provides for every kind of His creatures, (which is not in our dependency). And there are those of which we (mankind) is not even aware, Allah provides to them also. 

But there is due order and balance in the economy of Allah’s Universal Natural System & Plan. It is this (UNS) “determined course”,  that one is led to the inevitable conclusion that the whole thing has been designed by its All-Wise Creator. (For, had the universe come into existence by mere accident or had it been created by many gods, it was impossible to have such a perfect balance and appropriate proportion with perpetual consistence in so many different things and powers.) 

Act for the Day is: To realise that It is Allah who feeds us and every creature, So say, “Lailaaha illallah”, and Never be under wrong impression that anybody is dependent on us. (Our family, poor relatives, our maids,  employees or any living creature) they all receive their own sustenance from the treasure house of Allah from where supplies are distributed from time to time as need arises. All the wonderful gifts and forces and energies which we see in this world around us have their source and fountainheads with Allah, The Creator and Sustainer of the Worlds. 

Imagine the feeding power of Allah SWT and Glorify Him. (Please read S15:A16 to 25 without fail) JazakAllah Khair.


Today’s thought for the Day comes from: (Al Qura’an) “S25:A74”, In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful! “And those who say,” Our Lord! Grant us spouses and offsprings who will be the comfort of our eyes and make us a leader for the righteous.” 

Eagerness for prayer to Allah, is the most distinctive characteristic of “The Righteous” a true servant. In S25:A65, their “prayer” for their own salvation and in this ayah their prayer for their wives and children have been cited: “Our Lord, make our wives and children true believers so that they should practise righteousness and become a source of comfort for us.” Their prayer shows that the true servants of Allah are more concerned about the salvation of their beloved ones in the Hereafter than the enjoyment of this world.

It should also be kept in mind that even now a days, when a person reverts to Islam and many of the near and dear ones of these new Believers had not as yet embraced Islam, these true servants (the new Muslims) weep and pray for their beloved once, whenever the picture of their horrible state in Hell come before their mind’s eyes. Please read S25:A75-76 also.

Act for the Day is: To pray for the maintenance of Allah’s Law after us, through our wives and descendants; in our eyes they should not be mere accidents or play things, but a real comfort and fulfillment of our spiritual  longings. 

We shall try to be “The Righteous” by being Humble and Forbearing to those below us in spiritual worth. “Constantly, by adoration be in touch with Allah SWT, and always remember the “Judgement Day”. And we shall “Be moderate” in all things, and avoid treason to Allah, to fellow creatures and to ourselves. 

Let’s pray that our ambition of life be; “to bring up our families in righteousness and lead in all good”. A fine code of individual and social ethics, a leader of spiritual development, open to all. JazakAllah Khair.